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Consultation on extending Oxford Alcohol Public Space Protection Order

Oxford City Council has launched a consultation on extending the existing rules to protect residents from alcohol related anti-social behaviour. The consultation, which will run from the 6 September to 13 October, will ask residents if the rules should be extended for another three years. To take part in the consultations visit the following webpage https://oxfordalcoholpspo.commonplace.is/en-GB/proposals/have-your-say-oxford-alcohol-pspo/step1

The City Council currently has a Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) to stop anti-social behaviours relating to alcohol in Oxford. PSPOs must be reviewed every three years and with the Alcohol PSPO set to expire in November.

About the current Alcohol PSPO

The Alcohol PSPO makes it an offence to refuse to stop drinking alcohol or refuse to hand over alcohol containers when required to do so by a policy officer or an anti-social behaviour officer at the City Council.

The PSPO only applies in public outdoor spaces. It does not apply within licensed premises.

Penalty for breaching PSPOs

Anyone found to be breaching the PSPO can face a fine of up to £100.

However, the City Council’s anti-social behaviour policy states that officers will seek to resolve cases at the lowest level of intervention, for example by talking to the individuals in the first instance. For more information about PSPOs in Oxford, visit the PSPO pages on the City Council’s website.

Councillor Shaista Aziz, Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, said: “PSPOs are applied in measured and sensitive ways to tackle behaviours to make Oxford a safer city for all residents. It’s now time for another public consultation on if these orders should be extended or not."

Posted on 4th September 2023

by Daniel Courtenay